2009 Original Poster, RIDM - Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal, 9e édition - moitiémoitié exposition / Ottoblix

2009 Original Poster, RIDM - Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal, 9e édition - moitiémoitié exposition / Ottoblix

Regular price $125.00
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Date: 2009
Size:  39 x 27 inches
Artist: moitiémoitié exposition / Ottoblix

From Sub-Culture to Mainstream, the Evolving Poster Art of Publicité Sauvage.

Montrealers are fortunate to live in a city that has always celebrated posters and street art.  Although posters have adorned hoardings and buildings in and around our metropolis for over a century, over the last three decades the engine for this urban conversation has been the locally grown poster company Publicité Sauvage.


Karen Etingin, the owner of L’Affichiste, and Isabelle Jalbert, the Director of Publicité Sauvage, have selected 50 posters from the vast Publicité Sauvage archives - each a visual reference to the concerts, exhibitions and events that have taken place in Montreal over the last 27 years.

For the first time these posters are available for purchase, and are in limited quantities of five prints each.